Group Index

To look up data from the group index:

group_by(data_source_name: str, index_name: str, query: str) -> Map[]
  • data_source_name is the name you gave your lookup table
  • index_name is the name of the unique index you wish to query
  • query is the value that the index will search for
  • The return value is either a list of Map objects containing the matched rows

A query from our example table from earlier could look like this:

let values = group_by("products", "tag", "mug"); /* values = [ #{ "Product Code": "MUG-001", "Tag": "mug", "Weight": "300.0", "Unit": "g" }, #{ "Product Code": "MUG-002", "Tag": "mug", "Weight": "400.0", "Unit": "g" }, #{ "Product Code": "MUG-003", "Tag": "mug", "Weight": "260.0", "Unit": "g" } ] */